Talking about philosophy to other chiropractors is GREAT, but talking about chiropractic philosophy to your CA’s and well to anyone else that will listen, will not only further your knowledge of chiropractic, but it will explode your practice. So what are you waiting for?
Tag: Chiropractic Philosophy
It’s not what it sounds like, so shut up, sit down and open up your ears and your mind. If I can do this and grow a cash practice in Ocean City Maryland to 100+ visits a week, because I am listening to my father, than so can you.
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Love is the key factor in how you succeed in practice and in life. If you get nothing from this episode, listen to Dr. Sig’s voice when he talks about his clients and his Gathering program. It is the love of what he does and how he expresses it that I want you to see. It is not how we treat our favorite patient, but how we treat the ones that test our compassion and patiences that allows us to grow as chiropractors and as people.
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I can’t afford that, I don’t have the time, our office is to small, our practice seems to be failing. Does any of this sound familiar? If it does, than sit back and listen and learn how to stop wishing yourself into failure.
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Are you any good at telling stories? How are you at explaining the 33 principles? On this episode Dr. James Sigafoose teaches you how to turn the principles into a story that you can use to teach chiropractic to your patients and in turn grow your practice using nothing more than chiropractic philosophy!!!
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Imagination is not just for children! If you can think it you can have it, if you can imagine it, I mean every aspect of whatever it is you want, than you can have the exact thing that you are thinking of, but you have to take action. Imagination without action is like a Bloody Mary without vodka, at the end of the day, it’s just a glass of tomato juice.
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Ethics, it is such a small word, but at the end of the day it really is all encompassing. We don’t need to be salesmen to be chiropractors all we have to do is speak the truth and follow the 33 principles, starting with the major premises. Then all we need to do is Give, Love, Do and Serve.
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There is one source of everything and that is Universal Intelligence. We fail to recognize that as chiropractors and because of that we make bad choices and decisions, but we are lucky, because we can control what we think, say and do. Dr. James Sigafoose also discusses the concept of philosophy and how the study of philosophy teaches the way things should be and not the way they are.
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A world apart and a 14 hour time difference could not stop Dr. Tim Shakespeare and myself from having an INCREDIBLE conversation about one of my fathers talks. This time on SigTalks, Dr. Sigafoose speaks about FEAR, Patient Education and Doing The One Thing That You Never Thought You Could Ever Do.
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THE BIG IDEA, the title of this weeks episodes has more than one meaning. Of course there is the old faithful meaning of what is chiropractic, but there is also, getting the big idea behind this episode. I will give you a hint, it is about education and never giving up on growing your practice.
There is only one real BIG IDEA in chiropractic, but today we are hoping you get the big idea behind what Dr. Sigafoose is say.