This is probably the most AMAZING DVD, Dr. Sigafoose has ever made. Not only is it an excellent Chiropractic Report that you can use to educate your patients on a one to one bases, but it is a great learning tool for you, the doctor, to use and LEARN how to perform an office GROUP doctors talk. The Flip Chart that Dr. Sigafoose is using is also available, but we have updated it and it is now a PowerPoint presentation. This Report goes through everything, from the safety pin cycle to the definition of STRESS, how the brain works, the difference in muscle strength from side to side, balance, energy, subluxation, lack of motion, dysfunction and disease, rheostat effect, definition of Health and Above, Down, Inside, out (A.D.I.O.) and ends the DVD with an explanation of who needs chiropractic and why we refuse no one for care even if the patient has financial difficulties. You can see and hear how amazing this Video is and would make a great addition to you patient education regiment.