There’s something in this week the I am feeling EVERYTHING else hinges on. OWNING the PRINCIPLE of CHIROPRACTIC. and defining that principle clearly.
To me, in a nutshell, the Principle of Chiropractic is that the body is a self-healing organism that desires to be as healthy as it possibly can be from moment to moment. It has the ability to fix and heal anything it encounters, given enough time and a lack of interference. Chiropractic removes that interference so that the body is thus able to communicate with itself more efficiently, and in turn, allows for the whole to function at it’s optimal function. And as the body reaches the current optimal function, then that optimal is increased, so that there is a continual improvement of the person. This is improved expression of the perfection that lives within each and every one of us, which fights and battles to be released into the world, day in and day out.
Chiropractic is more than just about health, it is about optimal expression of the divine through the human.
Thoughts? Others understanding or explanation of the Principle?