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Tag: Dr. Carey N. Pabouet-Sigafoose
So are you telling me that if I loose the innate from my body, that if I loose life, that the bacteria from the world around me, from the world that I live in will basically eat me? Why is that? I mean why does it not eat me while I am alive? Do you ever think about that?
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Well I know I am not the first person to say this and I am sure that I wont be the last, buy damn my dad was no IS an incredible speaker. I mean if this short 7-minute clip does not get you excited about who and what we do, then you must have 6 inches of concrete between your ears!
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My father, Dr. James Sigafoose, was never afraid of speaking his mind or speaking the truth. As a matter of fact, there was more times then not, that he would upset people and there were many a time people that would come to attend his meetings would get up and walk out, because they did not agree with him or more times then not, flat out like what he had to say. In this short clip from his audio series, The Best Of Sigafoose The Great, Dr. Sig, does what he does best. He speaks the TRUTH. Have a listen and Jim Chester from the up coming movie, Chiropractic: The Documentary will be joining us on the other side, to talk about what he got from this clip.
If you would like to get in touch with Jim Chester, can you reach him here:
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How is it possible that I am the son of Dr. James Sigafoose, and I have never heard anything that he had to say? Don’t get me wrong I have listened to my father for 47 years, but how is it that I have NEVER heard him at all. I sit here listening to this clip and all I hear is myself, my story. Was I that terrible of a child or that ignorant of a person that I could not or would not see myself in my father? Why is it that I listen to him now and I hear what he says and I hear him telling the story of my life? Is he telling your story too? Today we have Dr. RJ Gelinas with us to see what he has gotten out of this clip. Well just listen to this clip for yourself and you tell me what you hear.
If you are interested in hearing more about Dr. RJ’s group Above Atlas Club, just click the link!
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On this episode, Dr. Scott Petrallo joins me in discussing BJ and Selling yourself. Are you being yourself in life and in your practice? Listen along while we hear Dr. James Sigafoose read from another BJ greenbook.
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I had forgotten how my father used to have the most AWESOME laugh. You will get to hear it in a few moments. In this episode of SigTalks, we listen to a clip from his audio series, The Best Of Sigafoose The GREAT. These collections of audios are from his many talks around the world and over a span of 15-20 years or so. This particular talk takes place in Canada. I chose this one, because it goes along with last weeks episode, because in the clip Dr. Sigafoose, talks about the last public talk that BJ Palmer gave at Palmer, well more like he reads the last public talk that BJ gave.
What if everyone followed their own rules or came up with different ways to explain Math or Science. What would we have? Chaos! Law is Law. Weather it be Innate or Universal Law. It is unchangeable.
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In this Episode, Dr. James Sigafoose reads from, “The Great Divide.” This is the 6th recording in an 8 recording set, which also includes:
- “Palmers Laws Of Life” (Recording 1 & 2)
- “The Bigness From The Fellow Within” (Recording 3, 4, 5 and part of 6)
- “The Great Divide”(Part of Recording 6 and 7)
- BONUS RECORDING: Sigafoose teaches a group of patients on the importance of chiropractic for themselves and for children (Recording 8)
The clip that I chose is of Dr. Sigafoose reading about BJ writing about proving that the brain, spinal cord and nerves as they exit the foramen fill the entire space.
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Today’s episode is brought to by Sigafoose.com; and Dr. James Sigafoose’s patient education video series. For the next 5 days or the first 20 people who respond by going to www.Sigafoose.com/SigTalks starting now 6am Friday July 17, 2015 through Tuesday July 21st 2015 at midnight, you can get all 7 of Dr. Sigafoose’s patient education series for only $400 that is a 61% off the normal retail price of $1050. This is our way of saying thank you for listening to SigTalks. This discount will never happen again and is only available to the listeners of SigTalks So don’t miss out! When this offer is over, it’s over. It’s only available for the next 5 days or to the first 20 people, whichever comes first.” Hurry and claim your copies now while you can still save 61% off the retail price.
Every now and then you come across something that just changes the way you look at EVERYTHING! This episode is one of those times. Dr. Sigafoose delivers an incredible patient lecture on the Subluxation and what it is and why if you don’t know what a Subluxation is, then most likely you truly do not understand what Chiropractic is. This episode is the last in our Patient Education series and this episode in a way brings everything together. Not only is this an excellent tool to educate your patients, but also an incredible teaching tool to elevate your staffs understanding of what it is we truly do as chiropractors.
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In this patient education video, Dr. James Sigafoose discusses the physics of whiplash trauma, educating your patient on what happens when this type of trauma occurs. In only 9-10 minutes Dr. Sigafoose goes through everything, but the most important aspect of this video is that he teaches your patient, that even though they may be a Personal Injury patient, their trauma is a chiropractic condition.
Whiplash Type Injury / Whiplash Associated Disorder.
Chiropractic treatment has been a great source of relief for many people who have suffered from whiplash. What exactly is whiplash and how does chiropractic help?
What is Whiplash?
Whiplash is a description of how the injury has been sustained. It is not a disease and not in itself a diagnosis. Rather it is a descriptive term that describes the mechanism of injury. Anytime the spine is unexpectedly moved in one direction and then it rebounds in the opposite direction there is the possibility of developing a whiplash type injury. It can happen in a backwards and forwards direction or it can be in a side to side motion. Of course whiplash type injuries are not limited to motor vehicle accidents alone; Sports injuries, knocks falls and slips can all produce a whiplash type injury. The term “whiplash type injury” is used to describe any injury mechanism where there is sudden excessive extension followed by an immediate excessive flexion of the neck that results in damage to the muscles, ligaments and tendons. We now know that whiplash type injuries frequently do not result from just excessive extension or excessive flexion (extension and flexion beyond normal limits of motion), but rather an extremely rapid extension and flexion that causes the damage.
What part of the spine is damaged in whiplash?
Most whiplash sufferers have misaligned vertebrae in their spine. Whiplash type injuries usually involve a combination of nervous system, muscles, joints and connective tissue damage. There are different degrees of whiplash type injuries and in order to decide the appropriate treatment, it is important to understand the mechanics of how whiplash type injuries occur.
Chiropractic Management and Treatment Whiplash Type Injuries:
Chiropractic care is a useful way of treating whiplash. There are a number of different treatment modalities that your Back to Health chiropractor might consider.
- The main treatment a chiropractor would provide would be gentle spinal adjustments and or manipulation to the spine as required to reduce inflammation and irritation to the nervous system.
- Massage, stretching and strengthening exercises for neck muscles are based on the specific muscles that are involved.
- Relative rest. It is important in the initial phase of treatment to reduce exercise and movements that aggravate the problem to minimum and reduce inflammation, whilst at the same time continuing with other activities that do not affect the condition such as swimmming and other low impact aerobic activities. this is a concept often termed relative rest.
My favorite part of this entire video is that Dr. Sigafoose sticks to his chiropractic philosophy and does not take the Whiplash trauma into the medical realm. As always this video and all of the patient education videos are available for immediate digital download at Sigafoose.com. Next week we will be going over Dr. Sigafoose’s last video called, “If You Don’t Know Subluxation, You Don’t Know Chiropractic.”