046 SigTalks | Faith In God And Chiropractic

With your host, Dr. Carey Pabouet-Sigafoose.

If you have never understood the meaning of FAITH, you will after this episode. Dr. James Sigafoose explains how this one word drove his great success and unimaginable growth in practice. What is Faith? “The substance of things hoped for in the evidence of things not seen.”

There are moments in researching and listening to Dr. James Sigafoose, where I understand what he is saying and then there are times that I don’t. This is one of those times where I understand most of it, but not all of it. So with that I ask YOU, the listener, if you understand what Dr. James Sigafoose is saying and if you do, leave a comment and let us know what your thought are on this episode.

If you have ever listened to BJ’s Greenbooks With Sigafoose, then you know that at the end he gives his patient orientation lecture. If you have never heard Dr. Sigafoose do an orientation talk, then you are in for an amazing experience. Listen to how Dr. Sig, delivers the most philosophically orientated patient lecture ever. Not only can you learn a few tricks to giving your own, but you can see why when Dr. Sigafoose taught his patients, they stayed with him for generations.

Slipping And Checking? Is this something you find yourself doing? You know what I mean, you focus on a goal and you stick to your plan and you start to do GREAT, then all of a sudden – BOOM – you’re right back where you started. Well on this episode, Dr. James Sigafoose gives us some reasons why this occurs and better yet, he gives us some solutions so that it does not have to happen anymore.

So it seems that my continued addiction to Sigafoose At Red Deer has continued. On this episode we here Dr. James Sigafoose talk about what he says to people who say that, “Straight Chiropractic,” is, “Horse and Buggy Chiropractic.” His answer will not shock you, but it will amaze you. So take a few moments and sit back and get ready to have your world ROCKED by Sigafoose himself.

Would you like to listen to a clip of my father that literally left me speechless at the end? I mean for one of the first times in over 40 broadcasts, I had nothing to say at the end and it wasn’t because I am ever short on words, it’s because to say anything would be to try to add something to something that is PERFECT.

Join us for another incredible podcast with Dr. James M. Sigafoose speaking about the importance of educating your patients and office procedure, particularly day one through day three and really beyond.  Don’t forget to check out our sponsor’s page at www.startafunnel.com.  Clickfunnels is not only a tool to help market your practice on-line, but it is a way to grow your practice and educate the general public on what you do. Clickfunnels is the only program out there that I know of that can literally grow your practice for you while you sleep.

Not my normal podcast. This week I flew to Boise, Idaho to attend a marketing conference called clickfunnels. A completely in house organic way to build your practice. While everyone is looking for a new way to market their chiropractic practice, we are here to show you that you have found it. My father, Dr. James Sigafoose, always said that the best way to grow your practice is through internal referrals and through educating your patients. Clickfunnels does that and SO MUCH MORE. Take a moment and see why I flew across the US to attend a two day seminar in Boise, Idaho. When your done go to www.startafunnel.com and try it for FREE for two weeks.

Part II of BJ, Sigafoose & Ford is a continuation or Dr. James Sigafoose’s, BJ’s Greenbooks With Sigafoose, audio series that you can find at www.Sigaoose.com. This two part series is only one hour of an eight hour presentation, so if you don’t have the time to read BJ’s Greenbooks, this allows you to be able to take them with you and listen to them whenever you have time.

Our first two part series. Join Dr. James Sigafoose as he reads and discusses BJ’s Greenbooks. This is part one and the second part will air next Friday. If you are wondering about the name of this segment, well you will just have to listen. It is all about the Law Of The assembly line.

Meet the Host

Dr. Carey Neal Pabouet-Sigafoose

Dr. Carey Pabouet-Sigafoose

Dr. Carey Sigafoose, a chiropractor and speaker, is the youngest son of Dr. James Sigafoose. During his life, Dr. James Sigafoose devoted his time to speaking worldwide about chiropractic philosophy. After his father’s passing, Dr. Carey decided to continue the legacy of educating chiropractors.

He digitized much of his father’s work, and created an online store, Sigafoose.com, so anyone could access the incredible information his father had provided throughout the years. From there, SigTalks, a chiropractic podcast was born.