117 SigTalks | Chiropractic, Is Chiropractic, Is Chiropractic, Is Chiropractic

With your host, Dr. Carey Pabouet-Sigafoose.

The Principal Is Alive And Well!

I found an old cassette tape series, in one of the last boxes of my fathers works and it is AMAZING!

Chiropractic is chiropractic, simply means, that there is no specialty type of chiropractic, there is just principled chiropractic. I always thought that being a subluxation based chiropractor was good, well as usual, my father proved me wrong.

I highly suggest you take a listen and find out for yourself.

Dr. Carey

If you would like a digital copy of this audio series, “The Principal Is Alive And Well,” just email me at [email protected]. They are on special right now for $90.00. When the new site is up the price will be $150.00

What is chiropractic?

What is the subluxation?

It is simple, chiropractic is the finding and the correction of subluxations and the subluxation is a nerve that is being impinged by a bone above it or below it or both, that decreases the flow of information from the brain to whatever cell that, that nerve goes to.

End of story.

Dr. Carey

Finding myself will always be the most difficult thing I have ever done, but in finding myself, I found out who I was and what I was and most importantly, I found where I fit in this world we call chiropractic.

In this episode, Dr. James Sigafoose reads from the Greenbooks and you are not going to want to miss one second of it, because if you are having a hard time knowing who you are and where you fit, in service to your patients and yourself, then get ready for a wonderfully bumpy ride.

Dr. Carey Pabouet-Sigafoose

Sigafoose Weekly

Hello and welcome to season 3 of Sigtalks. Let’s just jump right in here and say I hope you have enjoyed the past two season and this season I want to dedicate every single episode to you. Because at the end of the day, that is what SigTalks is all about. Helping you become a better philosophically sound chiropractor. So with that I will say again, Welcome to season 3 of Sigtalks.

Now for the meat! What is the reason you adjust? Is it for RESULTS?

If it is, then you are in it for the wrong reason. If it is for finding and adjusting the SUBLUXATION, then press play and have a listen to what Dr. James Sigafoose has to say about it it.

Love Yea All,

Dr. Carey

Hello Summer Break!

OK, that is not what this episode is about, it is about the divine melody, or the spark of creation that hits us all, when we take the time to listen for it.

Sometimes if we take the time to calm ourselves and listen to the innate voice inside us all, we will hear what the universe is trying to tell us.

The key though is to shut the hell up long enough to hear it.

I hope you enjoy this weeks episode and that you take the time to just listen, not only to what Dr. Sig is saying, but to the little voice that is inside of you.

I will see you in four weeks, we are heading to Greece and the Netherlands for our summer vacation, so in the mean time, keep giving, loving, doing and serving.

Dr. Carey

“Education does no harm if what there is of it is natural and has true relation with Innate. But when education becomes egotistical and paramount and displaces the correct values of Innate, all else becomes “uneducated”, sub-conscious, non-conscious, and un-conscious. Education then becomes an impenetrable wall Innate does not and cannot break through.” — BJ Palmer

This episode takes us everywhere, but when I focused, I zeroed in on the one simple fact that Universal Intelligence, Innate and Nature does not need any help from us. Find the Subluxation, adjust it and leave it alone. Let the body and Innate do whatever it is, it need to do.

If we as chiropractors can understand that statement above and then share it with our patients, we will begin to steer away from the symptom based practice and enter into the vitalistic based practice that will grow our offices to a place we only ever dreamed of.

Dr. Carey

When we are not philosophically sound, we lose sight on what it is we do. We need to remember that when we specifically adjust the spine, we increase the communication from the brain to whatever area of the body that nerve goes to.

Our job as chiropractors is to find the subluxation, adjust it, than maintain that correction long enough, until the innate processes takes over again.

That’s it!

Dr. Carey



What will it take until you realize that, you ARE INNATE? What is it going to take until you realize that we are NOT back pain doctors? We are not physical therapist or Bells Palsy specialist or geriatric practitioners or pediatric specialist.

We are CHIROPRACTORS, we find SUBLUXATIONS, we correct them and that is it! We allow the body to do what it is supposed to do without interference and in doing so, we reconnect man the physical to what it is that created it.

INNATE is easy, don’t make it more difficult then it has to be. That is what I took away from this episode. What did you take away?

Dr. Carey

Wishful thinking never got anyone anywhere! I didn’t used to think that, but that is when I was actively trying to drink myself to death, so we all know how much we can trust that person.

This episode, is my father explaining the difference between wishful thinking and envisioning what it is you want for you and for your practice. It is also a great first step towards understanding what it is you need to do to take your practice from wherever it is to exactly where you ENVISION it to be, not where you wish it was.

Take a few moments and have a listen and when your are done, take my suggestion at the end and head on over to www.Sigafoose.com and join Sigafoose Weekly. I promise you will not regret it.

Dr. Carey

Is Innate in your garden? How about in your cat or dog? Is Innate in the fish in the ocean or the sequoias of California? If Innate is in all living things, then I think the answer to all of my questions is YES!

There is intelligence in all living matter, now that does not mean it knows how to drive a car or build a skyscraper, but then again we don’t know how to change the color of our skin like a Chameleon.

So seeing that there is intelligence in all living matter, doesn’t that mean it may want to live or survive or continue to propagate itself? Well if you made it this far into my rant, I suggest that you listen to what my father has to say about it all.

Side note, this episode is one where I pretty much agree with everything my father, Dr. Sig, has to say.

Miracles never cease! (LOL)

Dr. Carey

Meet the Host

Dr. Carey Neal Pabouet-Sigafoose

Dr. Carey Pabouet-Sigafoose

Dr. Carey Sigafoose, a chiropractor and speaker, is the youngest son of Dr. James Sigafoose. During his life, Dr. James Sigafoose devoted his time to speaking worldwide about chiropractic philosophy. After his father’s passing, Dr. Carey decided to continue the legacy of educating chiropractors.

He digitized much of his father’s work, and created an online store, Sigafoose.com, so anyone could access the incredible information his father had provided throughout the years. From there, SigTalks, a chiropractic podcast was born.