125 SigTalks | Selling Yourself

With your host, Dr. Carey Pabouet-Sigafoose.

How do you sell yourself?

Are you being you, or are you being who everyone thinks you should be?

As Dr. Sigafoose says, “Don’t be a freak, but be who you are.” You have to stand out in the crowd to get noticed, but when you do, you have to deliver your message, in a way that is true to you and to the message itself.


Dr. Carey

I am not meant to understand everything, I am not meant to know how or why something works or happens. That does not mean that I have not seen how things can come to someone from the invisible to the visible. In fact I have not only seen it in my own life, but in others as well.

In this episode, Dr. James Sigafoose, covers the concept of, “If you can see it you can have it.” PLUS, a whole lot of other things that I am still trying to make sense of at the moment.

I highly suggest that you book mark this episode, and every time you feel that you are slipping in practice or in life, come back to it and listen to it again so you can get back on track.

Lots Of Love,

Dr. Carey

Are you doing in office workshops to further educate your patients on what we do as chiropractors?

In this episode, we listen to a clip of Dr. James Sigafoose’s, “doctor education video,” designed to help doctors learn how to use his flip chart, now a powerpoint presentation, in the office.

This entire program is now available on Sigafoose.com, but even if you do not use it in your office with your patients, this is an excellent tool for you to use to educate yourself and your staff on what CHIROPRACTIC is and why it is so important to be under chiropractic care.

Love yea,

Dr. Carey

Have you ever thought about someone and then they call? How about when you think about a patient that has not been in for a while and then they show up at the office on the same day.

This is what my father and BJ called the “Law.” If you open yourself up to the universe around you, you will be amazed at what it is trying to tell you and how it is trying to help you as well.

Just do yourself a favor and make sure the back of the house, YOU, are clear and organized so that when what you ask for starts to present itself, you are ready to receive it.

Lot Of Love,

Dr. Carey

You got me! Yes, I love to use a play on words when I title the episodes, and this week is no exception. If you get it, leave me a note, either on the Facebook page or at SigTalks.com underneath the episode.

This episode has been a long time coming, and to be honest, I was not ready to listen to it 3 years ago, but now I can listen and I can learn from it, even though I have different thoughts on religion then my father, the information and the way I interpret it, make complete and utter sense to me now.

So have a listen and let me know what you get out of it this week?

Dr. Carey

Hello Netherlands!

So here is our first episode made here in our new home of the Netherlands. I picked this episode, because it is where I am at the moment.

You see I moved here to work with my friend, Dr. Matt Schaer, and the only place to start, when you start in a new office, is from the beginning. So that is why education of ones self, as well as ones patients, is the most important job we have as CHIROPRACTORS!

In this episode you will hear, Dr. James Sigafoose, talk about why an educated patient is a patient for LIFE. Now, don’t get me wrong, he talks about a whole lot of other things as well, I am just speaking about when my head had to hear.

What did your head hear?


Dr. Carey

This episode clip can be purchased in it entirety by emailing Dr. Carey at [email protected] or by going to SigTalks on Facebook and clicking on the Store tab on the right side of the page. (or just clink the work page to the left 🙂

Are you just another “John” wondering through life, thinking that your and your knowledge knows what is best, yet you are constantly failing at everything you do; Practice, Relationship, Health…?

Have you ever thought of letting INNATE direct you from within?

If this confuses you, think of it this way, “The Universe in all of its wonderful chaos, knows what it is doing, and that includes pointing you in the right direction!

Still confused? Take a minute and listen to what Dr. Sigafoose has to say about it all.

Dr. Carey N. Pabouet-Sigafoose


Ok, you all caught me! Yes I love “The Wizard Of Oz” it was a yearly show we all watched as a family, but it does fit here, because just like Lions, and Tigers and Bears, CA’s and Screenings and God, can be things that we are all afraid or intimidated by.

In this episode Dr. Sigafoose talks to us from the stage at Parker Seminar and the three topics in this clip that he talks about, can all come back to one thing. FEAR. Fear of letting go and hiring a GREAT CA, fear of marketing your practice and yourself and fear of realizing that there is a higher power that is in control of this Universe we call home.

If you are interested in getting the full “Good Medicine” audio series, just contact Dr. Carey Sigafoose at [email protected] or private message him on Facebook, found under Carey Neal Pabouet-Sigafoose.

The Principal Is Alive And Well!

I found an old cassette tape series, in one of the last boxes of my fathers works and it is AMAZING!

Chiropractic is chiropractic, simply means, that there is no specialty type of chiropractic, there is just principled chiropractic. I always thought that being a subluxation based chiropractor was good, well as usual, my father proved me wrong.

I highly suggest you take a listen and find out for yourself.

Dr. Carey

If you would like a digital copy of this audio series, “The Principal Is Alive And Well,” just email me at [email protected]. They are on special right now for $90.00. When the new site is up the price will be $150.00

What is chiropractic?

What is the subluxation?

It is simple, chiropractic is the finding and the correction of subluxations and the subluxation is a nerve that is being impinged by a bone above it or below it or both, that decreases the flow of information from the brain to whatever cell that, that nerve goes to.

End of story.

Dr. Carey

Meet the Host

Dr. Carey Neal Pabouet-Sigafoose

Dr. Carey Pabouet-Sigafoose

Dr. Carey Sigafoose, a chiropractor and speaker, is the youngest son of Dr. James Sigafoose. During his life, Dr. James Sigafoose devoted his time to speaking worldwide about chiropractic philosophy. After his father’s passing, Dr. Carey decided to continue the legacy of educating chiropractors.

He digitized much of his father’s work, and created an online store, Sigafoose.com, so anyone could access the incredible information his father had provided throughout the years. From there, SigTalks, a chiropractic podcast was born.