131 SigTalks | Why Didn’t Somebody Tell Me This Before

With your host, Dr. Carey Pabouet-Sigafoose.

How many people do we never help, because we never took the time to tell them what chiropractic is?

How many people are out there grasping at straws and relying on medicine to save them, when all it is doing is covering up the symptoms and killing them slowly?

How many people could we save, by just telling them about chiropractic, but we don’t, because we are afraid that they will not believe us or worse. I honestly don’t know what the worse is, but I am certain all of you could add to that statement.

Have a listen to this weeks episode and then in the comments, tell us all your reason for not telling people what chiropractic is.

I love you because you all love the things I love!

Dr. Carey


So what did everyone do over Christmas? I finally go to dig back through my box of Dad’s audios and I came across the 12 tapes a year program. The good news is, is that I saved a year of them, the bad news is the first 12 and the last 12 were lost.

So what I did was rename them “The Legend Lives On,” and put them on Sigafoose.com as a box set of 12.

The clip that I entitled “Sigafoose the P.T. Barnum of Chiropractic” is just one of approximately 12 hours of PURE chiropractic philosophy.

It is only fit that this be the first episode of 2018, the year of standing up and screaming from the top of my lungs, “I Am A Chiropractor!”

Are you selling yourself and your personality?

You should be!

Dr. Carey


For this episode, I had to enlist the help of one of the best chiropractors, consultants and speakers I know, Dr. Pam Jarboe of ChiroBloom.

I had the fortune of speaking on the same platform with her this past year at ChiroEurope and within moments, a lifelong friendship had formed.

On this episode, Dr. Pam helps me dig into what Dr. James Sigafoose is speaking about, when he talks about “Practice Building.”

Dr. Pamela Jarboe practices chiropractic with her husband, Dr. Stephen Jarboe. She began her chiropractic career working as an assistant for a chiropractor in 1986. She traveled into Harlem, NY with her boss; adjusting children who were drug addicted, had AIDS or were abandoned as babies. Inspired by the many changes she witnessed in this practice, especially in herself, she decided to switch from her writing education and attend Life Chiropractic University, graduating as a Doctor of Chiropractic in 1995.

Her goal is to support you in creating the practice and life you dreamed of.

To create a thoughtfully successful practice demands many different skills. Having enthusiasm and passion are great, but often tools like business acumen, mad sick marketing skills, communication clarity, team leading ability and maintaining a clear head space are required. Her unique approach gives you modern tools to help keep you current in today’s marketplace.

So sit back and get ready to be amazed at her incredible ability to not only educate, but to entertain as well.


Dr. Carey & Dr. Pam

I am not meant to understand everything, I am not meant to know how or why something works or happens. That does not mean that I have not seen how things can come to someone from the invisible to the visible. In fact I have not only seen it in my own life, but in others as well.

In this episode, Dr. James Sigafoose, covers the concept of, “If you can see it you can have it.” PLUS, a whole lot of other things that I am still trying to make sense of at the moment.

I highly suggest that you book mark this episode, and every time you feel that you are slipping in practice or in life, come back to it and listen to it again so you can get back on track.

Lots Of Love,

Dr. Carey

Are you just another “John” wondering through life, thinking that your and your knowledge knows what is best, yet you are constantly failing at everything you do; Practice, Relationship, Health…?

Have you ever thought of letting INNATE direct you from within?

If this confuses you, think of it this way, “The Universe in all of its wonderful chaos, knows what it is doing, and that includes pointing you in the right direction!

Still confused? Take a minute and listen to what Dr. Sigafoose has to say about it all.

Dr. Carey N. Pabouet-Sigafoose


Innate, Innate, Innate! That seems to be what my topics have been about lately, I guess because overtime I listen to one of my fathers recordings, that seems to be what he is talking about, so that must be what I am supposed to be hearing and working on.

This week Dr. Sigafoose talks about Innate and Materialistic and Ideological thinking. Now if you are confused with that, it is like Mechanistic and Vitalistic, or pain base versus subluxation based. You getting the point? If not then let me try to explain it to you this way.

Materialistic, is basically understanding chiropractic science and art, but not totally understanding the philosophy, yet you might try, but you don’t educate your patients about it.

Ideological, is understanding the science, art and philosophical part of chiropractic and understanding the connection of Innate and the spirit/religious aspect and or nature of what it is we do.

You know what, just listen and let me know what you think it means.

Dr. Carey

Walk by faith not by sight! These are words I hear in my sleep, these are the words my father, not only lived by, but what he tried to teach so many others to live by as well.

While we did not always agree on much, I have learned that this is one area where I can improve upon, BTW- there are MANY areas where I have room to improve upon, my father, Dr. Sigafoose, believed that it is the HOPE of a better life that can drive us towards being better chiropractors, husbands or wives, friends, siblings or just being a better person.

Let me know what you get out of this episode and share it, either at SigTalks.com or on our Facebook page. I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Dr. Carey

Innate is SOURCE is the concept of understanding that we are two half of a whole. It is recognizing that we are a soul and matter and that as chiropractors we help reunite man the physical with man the spiritual.

Only by understanding that we are innate and that we have a body can we understand that one is nothing without the other. Innate, in all of its Universal wisdoms, holds all the knowledge of the Universe within it and our conscious mind only know what it can learn while we are alive. We must learn to trust the innate intelligence within us and stop trying to control it by thinking that we will ever know more than it does.

Enjoy this episode where Dr. James Sigafoose takes you on a journey to understand how we as humans must comprehend innate’s role in the making of us and how we are not Carey or Patsy or Selina or Patrick, but we are INNATE.

See you in a few weeks, taking my Spring Break and heading over to ChiroEurope in Malaga, Spain.

Dr. Carey Pabouet-Sigafoose

What is the cure to a failing practice? What is the cure to a negative mind and a life filled with failure. How can you bring yourself to a point where you can turn what is destroying your office around and make it build your practice? Listen to what Dr. James Sigafoose has to say and then put it into practice.

Europe’s strongest practices come to ChiroEurope again and again.
You get vitalism and huge practice success in a fun, easy, attractive, ethical model.
Join us twice a year for the best speakers, Mediterranean sunshine, and over the top parties.
But the magic is in our loving community.


Meet the Host

Dr. Carey Neal Pabouet-Sigafoose

Dr. Carey Pabouet-Sigafoose

Dr. Carey Sigafoose, a chiropractor and speaker, is the youngest son of Dr. James Sigafoose. During his life, Dr. James Sigafoose devoted his time to speaking worldwide about chiropractic philosophy. After his father’s passing, Dr. Carey decided to continue the legacy of educating chiropractors.

He digitized much of his father’s work, and created an online store, Sigafoose.com, so anyone could access the incredible information his father had provided throughout the years. From there, SigTalks, a chiropractic podcast was born.